Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Zack got a call this morning @ 7:30 from the post office (one advantage of living in a smaller town), and they said that they had his mission call there.  He went over and got it and Russ picked up Brayden from school and we called Meg.  He is going to the...
San Jose, California Mission and he leaves on the 10th of August!!!

He is very excited and relieved that it is an ENGLISH speaking mission!!!

Clue #2

The Beach Boys did a song about the GIRLS that live in this state!!!

__________  girls!

Clue #1

A song written in 1968 made popular by Dionne Warwick...

Do you know the way to ___  ____?

Thursday, March 3, 2011

It won't be long...

I have been a little more teary eyed as my second son starts his preparations to serve a LDS mission.  I think it is because I know what its like now.  (Ben, my first has been out for FIFTEEN months next week!)  I know how much we will miss him!  He was made an Elder a couple of weeks ago and he turned his papers in to our Bishop last night!   We should hear where he will be serving his two years in about 3 to 4 weeks!  I'm just not so sure that I am ready!   :)