Friday, October 31, 2008


Have you ever been searching online for a photo for lets say halloween to use on your blog... when in the next room your children are doing the very thing that you are searching for ???   Sometimes I am SOOOO blonde!!!  (Or is it grey that signifies brain cell loss???)
Meg, Morgan, Travis & Ben Carving Pumpkins!!!

10 things that I love about Russ!!!
1. On our first date, he had baked me a cake!!!
2.  He is always patient when I am a crazy person.
3. Sometimes if I am really quiet... He gets chatty!  
And if you know Russ this doesn't happen very often!
4. He gives the best back rubs!
5.  He is patient with my ideas, and he usually completes the big ones!
6.  He is a fabulous Dad!
7.  He is still a boy at heart!
8.  He is really good at finding addresses!
9.  He has such a cute butt!!
10. His ears are so cute and they are perfect!  I always hoped that our kids got his ears!!! McDermaid ones are a little scary!

I Love you Russ!  Happy Birthday! 

This is Russ climbing around the lava field in Hawaii. 

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to you!
    Happy Birthday to you!
    Happy Birthday, Dear Russ!!!
    Happy Birthday to you!

    You now how it's sung ~ off key and crazy!!!
