Saturday, October 18, 2008

Meg turns FOURTEEN!

My Meggie turned FOURTEEN yesterday!!! It has seemed to me that she has been fourteen for a long time, and now it is official!  Megan has always been mature for her age.  She loves to babysit and recently got a job cleaning for a neighbor!  Meg has a 4.0 GPA and she recently got her braces put back on!! (She has them in the 1st grade!)  Meg is getting so tall!  One of her goals is to be taller than me... but, I explained that that's too easy!!!  

This is Megan today with her special B-Day cake  (Made by her dad!)
THIS is Megan on her real Birthday!!! (Yesterday!)
We were at the Halloween party @ Jeanette's!!!  More pic's next post!
Russ is so great!!! He isn't afraid to try anything!  Whether it be building our home or a made from scratch cake with real fondant!!!  (We watch Ace of Cakes WAY too much!!!)

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