Monday, October 27, 2008

Meg's first deer!!!

Meg was the lucky (or skilled???) hunter this weekend!!! She shot her a 3 point all by herself!!! I don't know who was more proud.  Her or her dad!  I will spare you the pictures of her gutting the deer!  Unlike Ben Who will not touch the gooey, icky deer with his bare hands!!! Meg insists on poking her own knife in the deer!  I don't know what that says about her future job interests???


  1. I think Erin can suggest a sausage factory!

  2. I love that Meg is doing this. I would never be able to gut a deer. I have a hard enough time seeing the poor thing dead. Way to go Meg!

  3. Congrats meg. I think it is bigger than the one Brad shot this year!
