Thursday, February 19, 2009

Happy Birthday to ME!

It all started Tuesday night when Russ cooked dinner and made me a Chocolate on chocolate birthday cake!  (It's one of the many reasons I married him... his cake baking skills!)  Then he took Wednesday (my B-Day) off so he could do my stuff!!!  He took the kids to school,  arranged for me not to go to scouts, took Meg (and me) to Meg's orthodontist appointment, arranged for Morgan's activity day rides to and from the church (which later got cancelled), bought me cookies, took me out to lunch... What a great guy!


  1. Yes, I agree what a great guy! Happy Birthday to you!

  2. Russ is awesome. I love it when you pimp out his wood working skills. I love that he rearanged all of your errands and soccor mom responsibilities for the day. I hope you had a great day because from now on it is just that much closer to the big 40!!!

  3. How embarrising I even talked to you yesterday. SORRY!!!!! Hope you had a GREAT DAY!!!

  4. So glad I didn't forget like the older sister did. I do hear your memory is one of the first things that goes... ha ha . Glad to hear you had a great day!
