Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I need some advice!!!!

I have vowed to get a new camera for my purse!!!  Well, I go about it by going to Costco's and talking to the photo girl, looking at all the camera's they have and choosing the one that will work best for my purposes!  RUSS on the other hand is making me second guess my choice!!!  He has to research every possible camera... search every site... then after forever order it!!!  Tell me if I am wrong and should take this camera back!  Melanie, was yours the Nikon or the Olympus??? (We have a little bet going!!!)


  1. this is the exact little camera that I have I really love it!!! Just goes to show that great minds think alike!!!

  2. I would have got the Nikon if I didn't want the underwater features... Keep it!
