Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Day Camp

I have been very terrible @ blogging lately.. and I am going to try and catch up a little in the next few days!  This is our Webelos Day camp that we went to July 2nd!  It ended up being Cooper, Talen, Ben & I.  I forgot to make sure the boys each had their release forms from their parents... but thankfully they still let us stay!
Cooper & Talen with the wrist rockets!
Ben got to help the boys at the B B gun range!
This is after the canoe ride!  I am sooo glad that there were enough leaders that I didn't have to go and get drenched along with the others!
It must have been a fun day, because both of the boys were tuckered out! 
(I couldn't get a picture of Ben nodding off in the front seat!)

1 comment:

  1. Wendy you are the BEST!!! So dedicated. Cooper had a great time at day camp. Thank you for posting the cute pictures of the boys.
