Saturday, February 13, 2010

Megan's Big Day!

Isn't this picture of Meagan so cute! Well, it is the last one you will ever see of her with her braces on!!! The day is finally here!!!

Here is our first look at Megan bracesless in over TWO years!

Next, came her favorite part... the dreaded taking of the MOLD! I cannot believe that they have not come up with a better way to do this!!! I hated it when I had to do it over 25 years ago!!!

Then the taking of the pictures! I could not stop laughing! Then Meg started in and it was very hard to stop. I think we will use this one at her wedding reception!
So HAPPY! She is all done! What a great smile!! Say CHEESE!


  1. Yeah Megan!!! Don't run your tongue across them too much!!!

  2. It is amazing what they can do with rubber bands and wires isn't it? They look great Megan!

  3. wow, that is a beautiful smile! I remember when you got your first set of braces. Thank heavens for orthadontists!!! What was the first thing you ate that you couldn't eat before???

  4. HILARIOUS!!! I definately think the HUGE SMILE one should be blown up to be VERY large!!!! Congrats Megan!!

  5. Watch out Russ, here come the boys!
