Friday, June 11, 2010

My girl decides to be a BIG one!

I have been working with Morgan lately to KEEP her room clean! It seems like a never ending battle! So I had a talk with her about wether she wanted to be a BIG girl with grown up things or a little girl with toys... I told her we would change her room BUT that she would have to choose which toys to put away because there would not be room for both!
This chair is the last piece of the hair center... (I don't know what else to call it!)
I got it for $3 or $4!
Of course I had my helpers HELP!!!
After we got it all stripped down to the bare bones (YES those are STAPLES!!!)
I took a pattern and cut out the material!
Then I sewed them together and we stapled it back on!
I gave the base a new coat of paint!
Now she can do her hair in her room!!!
I still have to add a few more embellishments... but I got her chair and boxes done today!!!

I am linking up with...
Join  us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap up party!


  1. Love that fabric! It looks amazing!

  2. Wow you gys really are tallented!!! It looks awesome!!!

  3. Fabulous choice on fabric!! Totally makes the chair!! You did a great job!!

  4. Okay, that is pretty frickin' cute!!! I plan to try out recovering things it very hard? I'm really nervous.
