Monday, April 15, 2013

This BUSY weekend

Friday we closed on our construction loan.   This is what I came home to... what a beautiful sight!!!

Last weekend we found such a fabulous deal on bare root trees... 50 to 75% off at Lowe's!  I think we got 11 trees!  (we had to figure some of them might not make it)  Well, with rain and sickness this week at our house we didn't get them in the ground till Saturday!

Megan and Russ got on a baking kick and made old fashioned doughnuts, 20 batches of strawberry jam (Kent's had strawberries on for $3.99 a case) and 2 batches of divinity!

 Morgan liked the doughnut holes!


  1. Awesome! I'm excited to see what kind of house you build this time around. Those doughnuts look divine!

  2. now you are on the list to bring doughnuts to everything.

  3. Where were the doughnuts when I was there? They look good! Thanks for all the help on Saturday!

  4. I knew I should have stopped by the other day! =) The doughnuts look good!
