Monday, August 26, 2013

Steeneck Reunion 2013

August 2013 was a BUSY year!  Not only did we get our missionary home, building a new home, and move out of an existing home... we went on back to back family reunions!

Thanks to the Days who hosted this year!  They had it at the LDS Heber Valley Camp.  We stayed in cabins and had a very nice campground.

One of the activities was the zip line.  There were only a few wobbly moments.... but for the most part they raced each other to see how fast they could complete it!



This was another challenge course.... the guys had to do it after the girls and couldn't take the same course.

Then we did this one where we had to pass everyone through the web.  What a great way to get to know your new daughter in law!  :)  

Meg was next, helped by her big brothers!

Ben got through in his own unique way!


  1. I don't like that zip line at Heber Valley. It was not kind to me! Did you guys see any bears? Looks like you had fun, and Ben is kinda strange!

  2. That look like fun. How pricy was it to go to Heber Valley?? I need ideas for next year

  3. I'm giggling thinking about the pic with Ben. So glad you had fun!

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