Wednesday, November 6, 2013

A sneak peak at the office shelves...

Things are starting to come together...

I have been unloading boxes...

Morgan has wanted to get out all of the decorations...

So we started with the office shelves...

Russ was wonderful and made my vision of a wall full of shelving happen...

It turned out great... hopefully soon I will have things cleaned and everything finished so I can take pictures of the final products!


  1. Oh what I would do for a wall full of shelves. You have decorated them beautifully.

  2. Get cracking...I can't wait to see it all together!!!

  3. I can't wait to see it all done. I will be down a day next week, I'll have to set up a time!

  4. Looking Good. I love that shelve and I really, really want one. :)
