Friday, January 3, 2014

Christmas 2013

Christmas this year was a great one!  Everyone was happy and healthy... and we had a great time with Grandma, Grandpa and Aunt Sandy!

This picture is too funny... but all too true!  It has been over two years since Zack has been home with his serving a LDS mission for our church and then going right up to school.  We have seen him for a weekend here and there, but nothing like these three weeks!  It has been great to have him home!  Brayden has been joined at the hip with him (thus the appropriate picture).  They have played games, built models and watched movies to their hearts content!  I'm afraid that Brayden will be a little lost puppy when Zack heads back to school next week!  

Here is the kids with G & G Steeneck and Aunt Sandy!

What a great Christmas... was are so thankful for so many this this past year!  A healthy family, a new home, a returned missionary, a new daughter in law!  Wow!  WE are truly blessed!